“So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31 (ESV)

Voting with Faith: Trusting God’s Hand in Elections

As the election season heats up and Satan shows his hand, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by all the clamor. However, let us remind ourselves of the sovereignty of God in all aspects of life, including our civic duties.

Scripture reminds us: – “The king’s heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord; he turns it wherever he will.” (Proverbs 21:1, ESV). This scripture beautifully illustrates that even those in the highest positions of power are within the dominion of God’s will.

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When Faith Runs Deeper: The Church as Our True Family

In 2019, I led my family to leave our church of 14 years – a church in which I had served as the worship leader for 13 years. I wrote about the experience and the rending experience. Concerning our relationship with our blood relatives and church family, I wrote:

They say that blood is thicker than water, meaning that the bonds of blood relatives (family) is stronger than the bonds of friendship or love. If that is true I would assert that the spirit is thicker than blood. When we are born again Christians we share a bond with other Christians via the Spirit of God that indwells us all. This means that we share more deep true truths in common with our church family than possibly with our blood family.

This past Lord’s Day, we had several church families over to share a meal. I was conversing with a dear brother who expressed this very sentiment. He said the things we have in common with our church family are things he is more interested in talking about, so he’d rather be around church family than extended family.


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Feminism is Poison

President Donald J. Trump was nearly assassinated over the weekend. This historic event produced a cacophony of buzz on the internet across various social media platforms. Much of the buzz surrounded the issue of women in positions of battle/warfare/protection. Two women were on the Secret Service detail surrounding President Trump. Matt Walsh made the following …

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The Wilderness, The Serpent, and Our Savior: A Lenten Journey

Sermon Text: Numbers 21:4-9 As we gather this evening, amid the reflective season of Lent, our attention is drawn to a remarkable narrative found in the book of Numbers—a narrative that recounts the final chapters of the Israelites’ 40-year sojourn in the wilderness. Here, in Numbers 21, we see a people who have witnessed God’s …

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Lead On, O King Eternal

Lead On, O King Eternal Hymn written by Ernest W. Shurtleff in 1887. Lead on, O King eternal,the day of march has come;henceforth in fields of conquestyour tents will be our home.Through days of preparationyour grace has made us strong;and now, O King eternal,we lift our battle song. Lead on, O King eternal,till sin’s fierce …

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Should Women Preach? The Role of Women in Church Leadership

The question surrounding the role of women in positions of preaching and pastoral oversight isn’t new, but it remains one of the most ardently debated in the annals of Christian thought. This issue was in the spotlight during the 2023 Southern Baptist Convention as Rick Warren tried to defend the practice of ordaining women as …

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