Once a month (generally on the 1st of the month), I have a regular circuit of websites that I visit to get FREE ebooks! Here they are.
UPDATED: on Monday, March 4, 2024.
1) Logos Bible Software

Logos Bible Software is one of the largest software packages out there to aid in Biblical/Theological research for laymen, pastors, and scholars alike. It is also notoriously NOT cheap. However, they do have a FREE package that allows you to run the software with some minimal features. One of those features is building a library of books. I started with the FREE package and then upgraded over time as I built up my library.
There really is no excuse not to get it. Download the FREE Basic package and then grab the FREE book of the month every month! Buy yourself a few versions of the Bible, and you’ll have a decent software platform for researching and reading some good books.
They offer two additional books at deep discounts and their FREE book of the month. Consider those if they look like something you want to read.
NOTE: They took away the Faithlife offering below, however they also now offer a FREE audiobook download.
2) Faithlife
NOTE: Apparently, they have pulled the Faithlife monthly FREE eBook offering under the main Logos offering above. If you click the links below, they just redirect you to that download page.

Faithlife is the company that owns Logos Bible Software (see above). They also have an eBook service that sells more devotional Christian works and fiction. They also give away a FREE book of the month and two accompanying books at a discount. Faithlife has a separate ebook reader app you can download and use for these books, but they will also appear in your Logos Bible Software library.
3) Good Book Company

The Good Book Company is a Christian book publisher. They give away a FREE ebook every month. It is usually a Bible commentary, like their For You series (i.e., Philippians For You by Steven J. Lawson).
4) Amazon Prime First Reads

Amazon Prime First Reads provides monthly free books to Amazon Prime subscribers. Once a month the platform makes a handful of ebooks available for FREE. These are not theological or Christian books by any stretch. Amazon generally gives away fiction in genres such as Thrillers, Historical Fiction, Literary Fiction, Bookclub Fiction, and Children’s books. They used to have some decent selections, but now it seems to be full of Super-woke, Leftist garbage, or books that don’t interest me. I still check on the 1st of the month and they may give away something that is of interest to you.
Image by Felix Lichtenfeld from Pixabay