Here we are again in June, and we are not surprised that Satan and his minions have PRIDEfully come out to play. PRIDE culture (i.e., the Alphabet Soup Cult) is pro-death to the core. Just like Satan, who comes “only to steal and kill and destroy (John 10:10).”
Some of you Bereans may object that I have taken that verse out of context, and you would be correct. That is the story Jesus tells of the Good Shepherd and the bad shepherds who are thieves and liars. Sound familiar? Yes, Satan is a thief and a liar, and he also tries to sneak in, not by the gate, but by a mischievous route to harm the sheep.
This brings us to the abhorrent LEFT (yes, the LEFT, including the entire Democrat Party). They are not content with destroying themselves in privacy. They must “come out” into the open and force you to celebrate their depravity and wicked behavior. AND they absolutely are AFTER YOUR CHILDREN. Everyone in the DNC may not indulge in this lifestyle, but rest assured they are all too eager to use this evil against you… against traditional family values, against everything good and wholesome, and against Christ and His Church.