In 2019, I led my family to leave our church of 14 years – a church in which I had served as the worship leader for 13 years. I wrote about the experience and the rending experience. Concerning our relationship with our blood relatives and church family, I wrote:
They say that blood is thicker than water, meaning that the bonds of blood relatives (family) is stronger than the bonds of friendship or love. If that is true I would assert that the spirit is thicker than blood. When we are born again Christians we share a bond with other Christians via the Spirit of God that indwells us all. This means that we share more deep true truths in common with our church family than possibly with our blood family.
This past Lord’s Day, we had several church families over to share a meal. I was conversing with a dear brother who expressed this very sentiment. He said the things we have in common with our church family are things he is more interested in talking about, so he’d rather be around church family than extended family.